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Appreciation Main Index'Backpacking...' Index
The Surgeon
Burke digs his mocassins in and uses the human hospital staff’s fear of Simian reprisals to have Virdon’s accomodations upgraded. Somewhat unfairly, the fair-haired astronaut has been burdened with all three of the fugitives’ backpacks: he has his own on his back, Burke’s looped over his right arm, and Galen’s on his left. Given the severity of his injuries, this seems incredibly inadvisable. Perhaps Burke, as a city boy, knew from past experience that leaving your possessions unattended would be to invite their theft, and rather than leaving them on the cart, brought them with him—despite the potential harm this might mean to Virdon. More likely, knowing the latter’s ability to anticipate problems and willingness to put his own safety last in situations, it was probably the fair-haired ANSA commander who insisted on bringing their possessions with him…
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