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Appreciation Main Index'Backpacking...' Index
The Interrogation
In “The Legacy” Galen remarked that since encountering the astronauts, his life had been reduced to a series of hills which he got to climb up, so that he could then climb down. Lending support to his claim is the fact that “The Horse Race” closes with our heroes ascending a hill at a run, and the next episode to be filmed—“The Interogation”—begins with the fugitives descending one with equal rapidity. They do, however, have good reason for their sense of urgency on this occasion: they are being pursued by a quintet of mounted gorillas bent on their capture. Consequently, although Virdon, Burke, and Galen are without backpacks when we first see them, it’s always possible that they may have had them, and then jetisoned them in order to improve their chances of eluding their pursuers—just as Burke did when Urko was attempting to lassoo him in the San Francisco of “The Trap”.
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