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The Tyrant
The attention lavished upon these few smouldering ruins (in a scene underscored by one of the superbly evocative cues Richard LaSalle composed for “The Trap”) suggests that we are looking at all that remains of the structures on Janor and Mikal’s farm, once Aboro’s troopers have done their worst. The building would appear to have been the one the fugitives took refuge in early in the story, when they were avoiding being seen by Daku. It is certainly not the farmhouse we saw Janor and Mikal standing in front of when they were being interrogated by Aboro’s Lieutenant. The episode never provides us with a good look at the layout of the farm, so it’s impossible to say how many buildings there were, or what their function was. As it is, there’s no question that, if the fugitives backpacks were inside this building when it was set afire, there ain’t gonna be much of them left…
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