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Look-in, January 11th, 1975
Magazine Cover
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The World of Planet of the ApesspacerThe World of Planet of the Apes
“Planet of the Apes” has proved to be much in demand with Look-in readers and in recent weeks we have introduced the main characters to you, but how much do you know about the World of the Apes?
When our two astronaut heroes Alan Virdon, played by Ron Harper, and Pete Burke, played by James Naughton, were pushed through a time warp in their space ship to land on the planet Earth nearly 2,000 years hence, they found that humans were now the planet’s inferior race. In fact, the apes have taken over as the world’s ruling class!
Ape society is made up of orangutans, like Zaius, played by Booth Colman, gorillas like Urko, played by Mark Lenard and chimpanzees, like Galen, played by Roddy McDowall. The orangutans have emerged as the politicians, the gorillas as the law enforcers, and the chimpanzees as the intellectuals.
Heading home-McDowall, Naughton & Harper
Heading home—McDowall, Naughton & Harper
Human inhabitants live in the Inner Zone (the centre of the ape world) and perform menial tasks, and are subject to the whims of the apes. Unlike in the original “Planet of the Apes” films, the humans do, however, have the power of speech and, in most cases, an intellectual capacity equal to that of the apes.
The apes are the rulers merely because of their greater numbers. Man suffers at the hands of the apes. An interesting difference between the apes and the humans, is that the apes do not eat meat. In fact, it is just one of the ways that they consider themselves superior over humans.
“Planet of the Apes” is based on the apes’ continued attempts, led by Urko, the gorilla warrior, to capture the two astronauts and their chimpanzee friend Galen. If they do not succeed, the apes know that Virdon and Burke might inform the humans that they once ruled the earth. With this information in mind, the apes are afraid the humans might again rise to power. Therefore, the astronauts and Galen must be captured!
McDowall with camera
On the other side of the camera, Roddy McDowall is recognised as one of Hollywood’s leading professional photographers.
Gorilla Touch Up
The make-up for the faces of the apes takes three hours each day to apply. Eating whilst made up is a problem for the actors—so they have liquid lunches using straws!
Photographs by Ian Vaughan
BELOW: The feature as it originally appeared.
pages 8 and 9
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